Contact "White Tiger Military"
"White Tiger Military" is interested in your questions, suggestions and comments and you may contact me at
Anyone wishing to submit a period photograph for publication in the section THE JAPANESE SOLDIER AND SAILOR IN PICTURES may do so by scanning the original photograph or submit a 5" x 8" copy of an original unaltered photograph owned by you and not copied from another publication.
Submission of a piece of headgear, uniform or insignia to be used in the FEATURED PIECE OF THE WEEK section should be sent as a scan or one or more photographs of the piece taken with a plain white background. Each submission should be accompanied with a description with relevant information about the picture or piece.
A completed release form for the use of photographs must accompany each submission and no photograph will be used without a completed release form. A copy of the release form can be found by clicking on Release Form at the bottom of this page. The sender will receive credit for the use of any photograph if desired. The submission of a photograph does not automatically guarantee its publication and the final decision to publish any photograph or information about a photograph or piece of headgear picture on this site is solely at the discretion of the site's owner.