White Tiger Military

White Tiger Military

White Tiger Military

Featured Item Of The Week

Naval Medic’s Sleeve Rating

White Tiger Military - Naval Medic’s Sleeve Rating

White Tiger Military - Naval Medic’s Sleeve Rating

White Tiger Military - Naval Medic’s Sleeve Rating

Pictured is a Japanese naval sleeve patch with the original paper wrapping paper. This rate was worn by sailors assigned to the Medical Branch and was worn on the Type I winter uniform and later during the 1920’s through the 1930’s on the Type III green uniforms. This patch was worn by enlisted personnel only and while similar to “round rates” that identified a sailor’s rank and level of training, this patch only identified the wearer as medical personnel. The patch comes wrapped in a paper covering (not an envelope) that is date stamped September of Taisho third year (1915). The paper and the patch are marked with the same number “1890”. This number is not the sailor’s identification number but rather an identifying serial number for the patch. These patches are extremely rare and of the five seen, four have numbers written on the reverse side. This patch was worn on the left sleeve of the uniform and only worn during shore duty. The patch is the same size as a standard round rate, approximately 2.75 across. The patch is smaller than the naval full dress round rates of the 1920’s but similar with five metal loops attached to the back of the patch to help secure it on the uniform. Many of the Type III “red on green” round rates worn during the 1930’s by NLF troops were made with the same metal loops. This patch remained in use until the naval “round rates” were eliminated from service in November 1942.

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