White Tiger Military

White Tiger Military

White Tiger Military

"Study the past if you would define the future" Confucius

"White Tiger Military" is a non-political website with no affillation to any organization or group nor endorses any political viewpoint regarding the conduct of any nation during World War II. This site is dedicated to historical research and is intended to be a resource for scholars, historians and collectors with the identification and preservation of headgear, uniforms and insignia worn by Japanese military forces from 1920 through 1945. As a long time collector I am aware that there is still much we do not know about the evolution of Japanese military uniforms and headgear during this period. We have reached a point where new information comes in very small bites but we should not be discouraged from continuing to search before the information becomes lost forever. All that is needed is an open mind and the perseverance and willingness to search. My goal is to establish a forum where there is an intelligent and friendly exchange of information and ideas. So, whether you are a professional educator, armchair historian, dedicated collector or you have found some old souvenirs and want to know what they are, this site is here to help you.

November 2016

This November 10th, we celebrate the 241st birthday of the US Marine Corps. From “boot” to “old salt”, grunt to airdale and from private to general we are all Marines. I am grateful to have a place in the long line of history and tradition among the few and the proud! Happy Birthday Devil Dogs ! On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we celebrate what was originally known as Armistice Day and today as Veterans Day. I hope that everyone will take a moment to remember the veterans, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice and those who must live with their wounds and scars so that we can live in freedom and peace. They honor us with their service. Happy Marine Corps Birthday and Veterans Day to all.